So I’ve been doing this for a while. Since the winter of 1984, at least in terms of being a professional journalist. Hopefully sometime before that I developed, or started to develop, my own way of looking at life. So this is a site that takes you through what I’m doing, what I’ve done, what I’m thinking and things I’m involved in. I used to describe myself as primarily a journalist, and then a National Newspaper Award winner, and then a broadcaster on radio and TV, but now I’m more husband, father, friend, dog owner and someone who is open to new ideas and continually questioning what I think I knew. Smart people change their minds, and so I wake up every day looking for new information and prepared to change my mind. Along with all of that, there’s some books I’ve written, newspaper columns for The Toronto Star I’ve had published and other types of blogs, ideas, recommendations and things to ponder. Enjoy